Presentations and Lectures


Tapping into the Apple Healthcare Ecosystem

This presentation was created for the 2021 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. It is an introduction to the frameworks and services that make up the Apple healthcare ecosystem.

April 12, 2021

A Better Clinical Experience

A presenation that demonstrates how an app using Apple’s healthcare tools could radically change the current clinical experience.

April 9, 2018

Digital Healthcare

his presentation provides an overview of Apple’s healthcare ecosystem and a deep dive into iOS CareKit, a cornerstone of their healthcare plans. The presentation also includes a mock iPhone app that demonstrates the future state of the patient and care giver experience

February 22, 2018

Apple CareKit 101

CareKit is an open-source framework from Apple for developing apps. CareKit apps help users understand and manage their health by managing care plans, tracking symptoms, and connecting to care teams. This presentation covered some of the release highlights.

September 12, 2017